motion_common.cpp File Reference
#include "motion_common/motion_common.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "helper_functions/angle_utils.hpp"
#include "tf2/utils.h"
#include "tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.h"
Include dependency graph for motion_common.cpp:




MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC bool motion::motion_common::is_past_point (const Point &state, const Point &pt) noexcept
 Check if a state is past a given trajectory point, assuming heading is correct. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC bool motion::motion_common::is_past_point (const Point &state, const Point &current_pt, const Point &next_pt) noexcept
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC bool motion::motion_common::is_past_point (const Point &state, const Point &pt, Double nx, Double ny) noexcept
 Given a normal, determine if state is past a point. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC bool motion::motion_common::heading_ok (const Trajectory &traj)
 Check that all heading values in a trajectory are normalized 2D quaternions. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC void motion::motion_common::doTransform (const Point &t_in, Point &t_out, const geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped &transform) noexcept
 Apply transform to TrajectoryPoint. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC void motion::motion_common::doTransform (const State &t_in, State &t_out, const geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped &transform) noexcept
 Apply transform to VehicleKinematicState. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Double motion::motion_common::to_angle (Orientation orientation) noexcept
 Converts 3D quaternion to simple heading representation. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Orientation motion::motion_common::slerp (const Orientation &a, const Orientation &b, const Real t)
 Spherical linear interpolation. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Point motion::motion_common::interpolate (Point a, Point b, Real t)
 Default point interpolation. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC void motion::motion_common::sample (const Trajectory &in, Trajectory &out, std::chrono::nanoseconds period)
 Trajectory sampling with default interpolation. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC void motion::motion_common::error (const Point &state, const Point &ref, Diagnostic &out) noexcept
 Diagnostic header stuff. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Quaternion geometry_msgs::msg::operator+ (Quaternion a, Quaternion b) noexcept
 Addition operator. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Quaternion geometry_msgs::msg::operator- (Quaternion a) noexcept
 Unary minus. More...
MOTION_COMMON_PUBLIC Quaternion geometry_msgs::msg::operator- (Quaternion a, Quaternion b) noexcept
 Difference operator. More...