Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #include <autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/classified_roi_array.hpp>
18 #include <autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/detected_objects.hpp>
23 #include <tf2/buffer_core.h>
30 #include <unordered_set>
50 template<
typename ...>
class Iterable1T,
51 template<
typename ...>
class Iterable2T,
typename Point1T,
typename Point2T>
53 const Iterable1T<Point1T> & shape1,
const Iterable2T<Point2T> & shape2)
77 const tf2::BufferCore & tf_buffer);
85 const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::ClassifiedRoiArray & rois,
96 const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::ClassifiedRoiArray & rois,
102 const std::string & target_frame,
103 const std::string & source_frame,
104 const tf2::TimePoint & stamp)
108 std::size_t project_and_match_detection(
109 const std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::Point32> & object_shape_in_camera_frame,
110 const std::unordered_set<std::size_t> & available_roi_indices,
111 const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::ClassifiedRoiArray & rois)
116 const tf2::BufferCore & m_tf_buffer;
118 static const std::chrono::milliseconds kTfTooOld;
134 std::vector<Point32> operator()(
135 const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::Shape & shape,
137 const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion & orientation)
float32_t iou_threshold
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:62
A collection of tracked objects.
Definition: include/tracking/tracked_object.hpp:158
Class to associate the detections and tracks in euclidean space to ROIs in image space on a first-com...
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:67
autoware::common::types::float32_t float32_t
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:70
Camera intrinsic parameters.
Definition: projection.hpp:47
This class defines common functions and classes to work with pointclouds.
This file includes common functionality for 2D geometry, such as dot products.
CameraIntrinsics intrinsics
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:61
This file defines the lanelet2_map_provider_node class.
Definition: quick_sort.hpp:24
Struct to store results after the assignment is done.
Definition: tracker_types.hpp:40
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped Transform
Definition: recordreplay_planner_node.hpp:56
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped TransformStamped
Definition: motion_testing_publisher.hpp:37
common::types::float32_t convex_intersection_over_union_2d(const Iterable1T< PointT > &polygon1, const Iterable2T< PointT > &polygon2)
Compute the intersection over union of two 2d convex polygons. If any of the polygons span a zero are...
Definition: intersection.hpp:292
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:59
This model represents a camera in 3D space and can project 3D shapes into an image.
Definition: projection.hpp:60
float float32_t
Definition: types.hpp:45
This file defines the multi_object_tracking class.
geometry_msgs::msg::Point32 Point
Definition: cluster2d.cpp:28
common::types::float32_t operator()(const Iterable1T< Point1T > &shape1, const Iterable2T< Point2T > &shape2) const
Get the match score of a projection and a roi.
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:52
Simple heuristic functor that returns the IoU between two shapes.
Definition: greedy_roi_associator.hpp:40
autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::DetectedObjects DetectedObjects
Definition: euclidean_cluster_node.cpp:39