LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/fusion/hungarian_assigner/include/hungarian_assigner - hungarian_assigner.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 1 0.0 %
Date: 2023-03-03 05:44:19 Functions: 0 84 0.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 0 2 0.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // Copyright 2018 the Autoware Foundation
       2                 :            : //
       3                 :            : // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       4                 :            : // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       5                 :            : // You may obtain a copy of the License at
       6                 :            : //
       7                 :            : //
       8                 :            : //
       9                 :            : // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      10                 :            : // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      11                 :            : // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      12                 :            : // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      13                 :            : // limitations under the License.
      14                 :            : //
      15                 :            : // Co-developed by Tier IV, Inc. and Apex.AI, Inc.
      16                 :            : 
      17                 :            : /// \copyright Copyright 2018 the Autoware Foundation
      18                 :            : /// \file
      19                 :            : /// \brief Header for hungarian algorithm for optimal linear assignment
      20                 :            : #ifndef HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER__HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_HPP_
      21                 :            : #define HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER__HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_HPP_
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : /// \brief Ensure Eigen does not allocate memory dynamically
      25                 :            : #define EIGEN_NO_MALLOC
      26                 :            : /// \brief Prevent Eigen from yelling at you for larger fix-sized matrices
      27                 :            : #define EIGEN_STACK_ALLOCATION_LIMIT 0
      28                 :            : 
      29                 :            : #include <Eigen/Core>
      30                 :            : #include <hungarian_assigner/visibility_control.hpp>
      31                 :            : #include <utility>
      32                 :            : #include <limits>
      33                 :            : #include <array>
      34                 :            : #include "common/types.hpp"
      35                 :            : 
      36                 :            : using autoware::common::types::bool8_t;
      37                 :            : using autoware::common::types::float32_t;
      38                 :            : 
      39                 :            : namespace autoware
      40                 :            : {
      41                 :            : namespace fusion
      42                 :            : {
      43                 :            : /// \brief this namespace is for all functions, structs, classes and constants in the
      44                 :            : ///        hungarian_assigner package
      45                 :            : namespace hungarian_assigner
      46                 :            : {
      47                 :            : 
      48                 :            : /// \brief indexing matches what matrices use
      49                 :            : using index_t = Eigen::Index;
      50                 :            : 
      51                 :            : /// \brief implementation of the hungarian/kuhn-munkres/jacobi algorithm for
      52                 :            : /// minimum weight assignment problem in O(N^3 ) time
      53                 :            : /// \tparam Capacity maximum number of things that can be matched, sets matrix size
      54                 :            : template<uint16_t Capacity>
      55                 :            : class HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_PUBLIC hungarian_assigner_c
      56                 :            : {
      57                 :            :   static_assert(Capacity > 0, "Capacity must be positive");
      58                 :            :   /// \brief markers for each matrix slot, not strongly typed so it can decay to numeric type
      59                 :            :   enum mark_e : int8_t
      60                 :            :   {
      61                 :            :     NO_LINK = 0,   ///< no cost has been assigned, so assignment is assumed to be impossible
      62                 :            :     UNMARKED = 1,  ///< this location is just a normal weight
      63                 :            :     ZERO = 2,      ///< zero, but unmarked
      64                 :            :     PRIMED = 3,    ///< primed zero
      65                 :            :     STARRED = 4    ///< starred zero, corresponds to an assignment
      66                 :            :   };
      67                 :            : 
      68                 :            :   /// \brief this definition is for internal book-keeping
      69                 :            :   using index2_t = std::pair<index_t, index_t>;
      70                 :            : 
      71                 :            :   /// \brief This exception is for a bad edge case when the assigner tries to add a new zero
      72                 :            :   ///        but the only uncovered entries in the matrix are not valid links/weights
      73                 :            :   class HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL no_uncovered_values_c : public std::runtime_error
      74                 :            :   {
      75                 :            : public:
      76                 :            :     no_uncovered_values_c();
      77                 :            :   };  // class no_uncovered_values_c
      78                 :            : 
      79                 :            : public:
      80         [ #  # ]:          0 :   EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW
      81                 :            :   /// \brief This index denotes a worker for which no job assignment was possible
      82                 :            :   static constexpr index_t UNASSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<index_t>::max();
      83                 :            :   static constexpr float MAX_WEIGHT = 10000.F;
      84                 :            : 
      85                 :            :   /// \brief constructor
      86                 :            :   hungarian_assigner_c();
      87                 :            : 
      88                 :            :   /// \brief constructor, equivalent of construct(); set_size(num_rows, num_cols)
      89                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_rows number of rows/jobs
      90                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_cols number of columns/workers
      91                 :            :   hungarian_assigner_c(const index_t num_rows, const index_t num_cols);
      92                 :            : 
      93                 :            :   /// \brief set the size of the matrix. Must be less than capacity. This should be done before
      94                 :            :   ///        set_weight() calls
      95                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_rows number of rows/jobs
      96                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_cols number of columns/workers
      97                 :            :   /// \throw std::length_error if num_rows or num_cols is bigger than capacity
      98                 :            :   /// \throw std::domain_error if matrix shape is skinny
      99                 :            :   void set_size(const index_t num_rows, const index_t num_cols);
     100                 :            : 
     101                 :            :   /// \brief set weight, update book-keeping for min in row
     102                 :            :   ///        This function is meant to be called asynchronously over jdx, so
     103                 :            :   ///        a thread should have fixed ownership over a given idx. Note that
     104                 :            :   ///        you can call this function again for a same index pair, but you
     105                 :            :   ///        will break assumptions if you set it to a higher weight.
     106                 :            :   /// \param[in] weight the weight for assignment of job idx to worker jdx
     107                 :            :   /// \param[in] idx the index of the job
     108                 :            :   /// \param[in] jdx the index of the worker
     109                 :            :   /// \throw std::out_of_range if idx or jdx are outside of range specified by set_size()
     110                 :            :   void set_weight(const float32_t weight, const index_t idx, const index_t jdx);
     111                 :            : 
     112                 :            :   /// \brief reset book-keeping and weight matrix, must be called after
     113                 :            :   ///        assign(), and before set_weight()
     114                 :            :   void reset();
     115                 :            : 
     116                 :            :   /// \brief reset and set_size, equivalent to reset(); set_size(num_rows, num_cols);
     117                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_rows number of rows/jobs
     118                 :            :   /// \param[in] num_cols number of columns/workers
     119                 :            :   void reset(const index_t num_rows, const index_t num_cols);
     120                 :            : 
     121                 :            :   /// \brief compute minimum cost assignment
     122                 :            :   /// \return whether or not it was successful. If assignment was unsuccessful (for example, the
     123                 :            :   ///         case when a row has no valid assignments), then get_assignment() may return
     124                 :            :   ///         UNASSIGNED
     125                 :            :   /// \throw std::exception if some unspecified error happens internally, should never happen
     126                 :            :   bool8_t assign();
     127                 :            : 
     128                 :            :   // every row/job is guaranteed to have a worker
     129                 :            :   /// \brief dictate what the assignment for a given row/task is, should be called after assign().
     130                 :            :   ///        If assign() returned true, then every job/row is guaranteed to have a worker/column.
     131                 :            :   ///        If assign() returned false, then a row may not have a worker/column
     132                 :            :   /// \param[in] idx the index for the task, starting at 0
     133                 :            :   /// \return the index for the assigned job, starting at 0
     134                 :            :   ///         UNASSIGNED if assign() returned false and the idx job has no possible assignments
     135                 :            :   /// \throw std::range_error if idx is out of bounds
     136                 :            :   index_t get_assignment(const index_t idx) const;
     137                 :            : 
     138                 :            :   // get unassigned workers/columns. User should know how many unassigned there will be apriori
     139                 :            :   /// \brief says what jobs have been unassigned
     140                 :            :   /// \param[in] idx the i'th unassigned job, starts from 0 to num_jobs - num_workers
     141                 :            :   /// \return the index of the i'th unassigned job
     142                 :            :   /// \throw std::range_error if idx is out of bounds (i.e. there are no unassigned rows)
     143                 :            :   index_t get_unassigned(const index_t idx) const;
     144                 :            : 
     145                 :            : private:
     146                 :            :   // TODO(gowtham.ranganathan): Workaround. Should calculate minimum while the weight is being
     147                 :            :   //  set. Fix after #979.
     148                 :            :   /// \brief find the minimum value and its index in each row of the weight matrix
     149                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL void find_minimums();
     150                 :            :   /// \brief do steps 1-3, return true if perfect assignment found
     151                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t reduce_rows_and_init_zeros_and_check_result();
     152                 :            : 
     153                 :            :   /// \brief do step 5 and 3, return true if perfect assignment found
     154                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t increment_starred_zeroes_and_check_result(index2_t loc);
     155                 :            : 
     156                 :            :   /// \brief step 4 and 6: find an uncovered zero, add it if necessary, throws exception if it can't
     157                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL index2_t prime_uncovered_zero();
     158                 :            : 
     159                 :            :   /// \brief step 6: reduce matrix by smallest uncovered value, return false if no uncovered value
     160                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t add_new_zero(index2_t & loc);
     161                 :            : 
     162                 :            :   /// \brief check if assignment is complete
     163                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t are_all_columns_covered() const;
     164                 :            : 
     165                 :            :   /// \brief find a zero that is uncovered by rows or columns
     166                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t find_uncovered_zero(index2_t & loc) const;
     167                 :            : 
     168                 :            :   /// \brief find minimal value that is not covered, false if none found
     169                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL bool8_t find_minimum_uncovered_value(
     170                 :            :     index2_t & loc,
     171                 :            :     float32_t & min_val) const;
     172                 :            : 
     173                 :            :   /// \brief update internal bookkeeping for which rows and columns are uncovered
     174                 :            :   HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_LOCAL void update_uncovered_rows_and_cols();
     175                 :            : 
     176                 :            :   // TODO(gowtham.ranganathan): Workaround. There should be no need for m_is_max_matrix after #979
     177                 :            :   // Matrix to track if a weight is unset (set to max means unset)
     178                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<bool8_t, Capacity, Capacity> m_is_max_matrix;
     179                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<float32_t, Capacity, Capacity> m_weight_matrix;
     180                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<int8_t, Capacity, Capacity> m_mark_matrix;
     181                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index_t, Capacity, 1> m_row_min_idx;
     182                 :            :   index_t m_num_rows;
     183                 :            :   index_t m_num_cols;
     184                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<float32_t, Capacity, 1> m_row_min_weights;
     185                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index_t, Capacity, 1> m_assignments;
     186                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<bool8_t, Capacity, 1> m_is_col_covered;
     187                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<bool8_t, Capacity, 1> m_is_row_covered;
     188                 :            :   index_t m_num_uncovered_rows;
     189                 :            :   index_t m_num_uncovered_cols;
     190                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index_t, Capacity, 1> m_uncovered_rows;
     191                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index_t, Capacity, 1> m_uncovered_cols;
     192                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index2_t, 2 * Capacity, 1> m_augment_path;
     193                 :            :   Eigen::Matrix<index2_t, Capacity, 1> m_primed_zero_locs;
     194                 :            :   index_t m_num_primed_zeros;
     195                 :            : };  // class hungarian_assigner_c
     196                 :            : 
     197                 :            : }  // namespace hungarian_assigner
     198                 :            : }  // namespace fusion
     199                 :            : }  // namespace autoware
     200                 :            : #endif  // HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER__HUNGARIAN_ASSIGNER_HPP_

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14